Content types

By default, the API returns a json response, but at the current time, we support the following response formats:

  • json - The default response format.
  • xml - The response in XML format.

For example, to request a response in XML format, you can add the Accept header to your request:

Accept: application/xml

Response fields

You can specify which fields to return in the response by using the fields query parameter. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list of fields to include in the response.

For example, to return only the id and name fields in the response, you can use the following query parameter:

GET /purchases?fields=id,name

Additional fields

You can also include additional fields in the response by using the expand query parameter. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list of fields to include in the response.

For example, to include the tarif field in the response, you can use the following query parameter:

GET /purchases?expand=tarif

You can combine the fields query parameter with the expand query parameter to receive attributes of related resources in the response.

GET /purchases?expand=tarif&fields=id,